This study examines the influence of employee commitment on organizational performance with special interest in Nigeria Bottling Company. Much of the interest in analysing employee commitment stems from concern for the behavioural consequences that are hypothesised to result from it. This study focuses on the influence of employee commitment on Organisational Performance and Employees’ turnover. Both descriptive and explanatory research methodologies were adopted in this study. A five point numerically scaled Likert-Type questionnaire was constructed and administered among selected Staff of Nigeria Bottling Company. The research hypotheses were tested using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The result shows that: the level of employee commitment of the Staff of Nigeria Bottling Company is very high; there is a fairly high relationship between employee commitment and organizational performance ; there is also a very high relationship between employee commitment and employees’ turnover etc. Some of the recommendations made are that: the management should hire employees who are likely to become linked to the organization; management should create clear and realistic job and organizational previews.